Thought for the Day: Zero Need to Ever Discuss a Difference of Opinion Publicly With Anyone

Thoughts for the day:
I don’t have time for debating you, I am too busy being amazed at your awesomeness.

Here is a confession: I see, at this point in my life, zero need to ever discuss a difference of opinion publicly with anyone. There is too much ground for agreement, too much need for tolerance for me to focus on our differences. We are brother and sisters regardless of our politics, religions, fandoms, or any other factor that make us go “Oh no he didn’t!???!”

We are all limited creatures of the universe, trying the best we can in the context of our abilities and understanding. Of course we will disagree. We are different folks, you and I. There is no other me out there. There is no other you. I will not allow our differences to affect how I treat you.

When you post something I disagree with, I will do my best to celebrate your exercise of freedom. I have no need to correct you, or disabuse you, or enlighten you. When my statement confounds you or irks you, I have no need to be corrected, persuaded, or enlightened by your views. I am probably just spouting off nonsense I forgot about five minutes later.

I still love you and respect you, and will read your opinions on your Facebook page, but I do not need to debate them on your page. Nor do I invite debate here on this Facebook page.

I have lived long enough to recognize my own nonsense, narrow minded prejudice, and barriers. Don’t invite me to build fences and start a turf war when there are wide open paths between us for us to share love and encouragement.

If you really offend me, I will shrug and move on. Because that is what I consider necessary. If I really offend you, PM me. I will listen to you, even if you do not change my position.

And, let me be clear: this is not me taking some magic higher moral ground. This is about internet fatigue. This is self preservation before I go all old guy on you and tell you to get of my god-damned internet Facebook lawn you god-damned kid. This is a way to avoid turning my highly trained vocabulary and well honed communications management skills towards you in a melee of mean things about your views. I would rather respect your identity as a person of dignity and a blessing in my life and celebrate amazing things about who you are a person.

For those who nitpick: as always I have the right to remove toxic, hurtful people from my internet and from my life.